Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dear Special Friend,

We are grateful that you would consider us. Making this decision must be extremely difficult, but we do believe that your choice will bless your child and the family that you choose. Although we have never met, please know that you are in our thoughts every day.

It all started 6 years ago when we met. We were both hanging out with friends and happened to be at the same place at the right time. Within just a few short weeks of dating, we both knew that this was something special. After deciding to get married after just a few months, we had a long engagement before we finally tied the knot in April 2005.  A short year later, we decided that we wanted to start a family. After several years of trying, we went to the doctors and found out that our chances of having children the “good old fashion way” was slim to none. We took this as a serious blow and had to cope with our loss. After coping with our sadness, we started to explore our options. There are many out there, but we feel adoption is the best way for us to go. To be able to be parents to a child that for one reason or another was unable stay with their birth parents is the greatest gift that we could ever give or receive.

Michelle is, by far, the best person I know.  Her heart is as big as the universe. When I say that I’ve never met anyone like her before, I can truthfully and honestly say that.  I knew there was something special about Michelle from the first time we met. Right from the beginning, I knew how extremely important family was to her. (I got to meet her entire family at her brother’s wedding just a few short weeks after we started dating!) She was born to be a mother. I watch how she is around our nieces and nephews and I know that she has so much to offer as a mother. Michelle was put on this earth to share her love and her kindness to everyone, especially children.  Being the oldest girl out of her 4 siblings, she’s really taken on the roll of the “big sister” and taken care of them over the years, and still continues to even to this day.  She is the love of my life and I am honored to call her my wife, my best friend, and hopefully someday soon, the mother of my children.

Rob is my best friend.  From the day we met I felt something special with him.  I never felt nervous, and I’ve always felt safe.  Rob is the most passionate person I have ever met.  He has so many interests and talents and gives whatever is his current focus his all.  Rob can pick up just about any instrument and play it by ear.  He is an amazing artist and takes the most amazing photographs.  Rob loves animals and he would honestly adopt every stray dog or cat if I allowed him to. Rob is so full of love.  He loves his family so much.  He never lets too many days go by without calling or emailing his parents and sister. His nieces and nephews adore him!!  They love to play with their “Unckie”.  He loves them so much!  Whenever the kids are around he shows me what a great daddy he will be!!  

A year after we were married, we adopted our “first born,” Layla.  Layla is our first pet together. We adopted her from a rescue in Colorado when she was just a puppy.  She is a 4 years old Shiba-Inu/Shepherd mix. When we say that this dog is sweet, that is a complete understatement. She loves everyone, especially children! She loves to give kisses! It is the sweetest thing to watch her sleep outside the bedroom door whenever our niece sleeps over. She leans against it, plops down and stands guard to make sure everything is on the up and up. Ellie is our second dog. She joined our family when she was just over a year old. She is currently almost 3 years old and is a lab mix. We came across Ellie while shopping one day at Petsmart and fell in love with her. She didn’t have the best life for her first year, but ever since we have adopted her she has really come out of her shell, and has proven herself such a sweet dog. She loves children as well and loves to sit and watch kids play with their toys.

We love to spend time outdoors! We try to go camping as many times per year as we can. If we can’t go camping, then we love to go hiking. Spending time together, no matter what we are doing, is extremely important to us. We also love to travel out to California to see Rob’s family. Spending time with family is just as important to Rob as it is to Michelle. Spending time in California is one of the best vacations that we get to take on a regular basis. And with California being a nice central point for family to meet up, we get the opportunity to see extended family at least once per year.

We firmly believe that we were put on this planet to adopt. We are just a regular family, but we have an extraordinary love to give your child. Please know that we will love you and your child unconditionally, because we already do.  We hope that the things that we have said have touched your heart. We know that this must be difficult, but we want you to be rest assured that we will be the best parents that we possibly can.


Rob & Michelle